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DP Visual Arts Exhibition

The Diploma Programme Visual Arts Exhibition will take place at the Academy on 6 March. For more details, please contact the Senior School secretary.

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Swimming Gala

JS has organised a Swimming Gala on 31 March. For more details, please contact the school's secretaries.

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Junior School Sports Day

Junior School will be hosting a Sports Day on 12 May. For more details, please contact the Junior School secretary.

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Junior and Senior School Conferences

Junior and Senior School will be held on 5-6 June and 8 June, respectively. For more information, please contact the school secretaries.

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Closing of the Extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities will close on 3rd May, for the 2023-2024 Academic year. School timings will be followed as per regular schedule.

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School closed for in person classes

School is closed for in-person classes from 18 November, through 20 November, 2024. Classes will take place online. 

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Excellence in Education

Thumbnail image: 
Taxonomy family: 
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

New construction photos/Novas fotografias das construção

Please visit the Construction Diary page to see the new pictures.

Visite o diário da construção e veja as novas fotografia

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Student reading

Application Forms

Application forms can be completed online using the link below or via the downloadable form. Forms completed in hard copy should be either posted, or scanned and emailed to the admissions office at the earliest opportunity.


The Aga Khan Academy Maputo
Av. do Zimbabué, 212, Matola “A”
Maputo, Moçambique
(+258) 853 016 339


Online application form

To access the online application service, please click on one of the options below.



DP2 student volunteers during the lockdown
