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Students recreate Hyderabad Bazaars in classrooms

Hyderabad Bazaars


Parents can complete the online enquiry form by following the link at the bottom of this page or contact the Admissions Office at the following address:

Admissions Office

The Aga Khan Academy, Maputo
c/o The Aga Khan Development Network
1187 Julius Nyerere

Tel: (+258) 2174 9094


Online Enquiries

Enquiry Form

Student Exchange 2019: The Journey Begins

PYP Exhibition Showcases Students’ Passions

Students Reflect on Mombasa International Show

Student Reflects on Growth of Personal Project

Students Steal the Show at the IAME Hackathon

Students march against human trafficking

AKA Hyderabad students experience Mombasa

Student creates jingle for radio commercial
