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School break

School will remain close from 14-18 Oct due to term break. School office will be working from 9:00am-3:00pm.

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Junior School's theatre production

The Junior School's first theatre production, "Kioni", will be held on 2 June. For more details, please contact the Junior School Secretary Ms Celia.

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Information session

The Aga Khan Academy will host an information session for Grade 5 parents on "Puberty" on September 6 at 12:30pm. For more information, please contact Junior School secretary.

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Extra-Curricular activities

Extra-Curricular activities will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays for one hour after school, beginning from 19 August. For more information, please contact school secretaries.

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The curriculum focuses on the development of critical thinking and analysis of issues with an emphasis on multicultural understanding and awareness.
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Teacher Development
Promoting excellence in teaching, both on campus and more broadly, is a fundamental goal of the Aga Khan Academies.
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IB Workshop Registration

Our next AKA Maputo virtual IB workshops (delivered in partnership with AKA Mombasa) will take place from 30 January – 1 February 2021. To register for this workshop, please fill out the form below.

Student Leadership at Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa

Residential students take over Organic Farm on campus
