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AKA Hyderabad and AKA Mombasa school profiles

View the school profiles of the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad and the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, which outlines each Academy's previous Diploma Programme cohorts' university destinations, International Baccalaureate (IB) exam results and much more.

Academies in Mombasa and Maputo hold online classes on observational drawing

The Aga Khan Academy Mombasa and the Aga Khan Academy Maputo held joint online classes to teach Year 10 students observational drawing with the objective of enhancing their skills and artistic confidence.

Welcome back to AKA Maputo

The Aga Khan Academy Maputo reopened its doors this Monday, 2 November to its students and staff with numerous safety guidelines put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the continuity of education.

Virtual internship with the Aga Khan Academies’ Holiday Programme

During the summer break, the Aga Khan Academies and the Aga Khan Development Network partnered up to provide virtual internship opportunities for students in the Diploma Programme at various institutions around the world.

Embracing the 'new norm'

Undeterred by the challenges posed by the global pandemic, the Aga Khan Academy Maputo embraced the 'new norm' and started the new academic year online. After a restful summer, the Academy community returned to online classes to take on the new year in good earnest with not only new tools but also new teachers.

AKA Mombasa student uses art to promote environmental conservation

Painting about global warming

Madina Khudobakshova, a Year 10 student at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, participated in a virtual art exhibition in Khorog, Tajikistan to raise awareness about environmental conservation.

AKA Mombasa student creates wrist splint for children with cerebral palsy

Alyssa Jamal is a Year 10 student at the Aga Khan Academy Academy Mombasa whose personal project focuses on creating an affordable wrist splint for underprivileged children with cerebral palsy.

Wellness Corner - Are you addicted to your screen?

Personal Counselor at AKA Hyderabad Dr Isabelle Didsbury provides you and your children with tools to better manage your digital lives.


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