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Junior School Newsletter No. 2 - January 2015

These past two weeks have flown by and there has been much activity going on in the Junior School. The Year 4 classes led our assembly last Friday and it was wonderful to see so many parents join us. In the assembly the children spoke in different languages and many were dressed in national dress, a true demonstration of our diverse community here at the Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa.


Mirabelle Arodi (Class of 2012): Working Towards a Healthier Future

“I believe [Aga Khan Academy Mombasa] is where I shaped my values that I still hold to this day. It is also where I saw and felt the importance of building a community, no matter how large or small.” Indeed, the importance of these values to Mirabelle Arodi is obvious in her actions after graduation from the Academy.

Looking Back on the Geneva Human Rights Conference

Over the Christmas break in December 2014, three students represented the Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa at an international human rights conference in Geneva, Switzerland.


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