The Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad – IB Results Announcement | Aga Khan Academies

The Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad – IB Results Announcement

31 July 2019

2019 marked the year of the 1000th graduate from the Aga Khan Academies network. This year, we graduated 159 students from the Academies in Mombasa and Hyderabad. For students who graduated from the Academy in May, the publication of IB results marks the formal end to their Academy education.

The 2019 cohort from The Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad comprised 74 students, all of whom were entered for the IB Diploma. Academy students, selected for their exceptional talent and leadership potential, are inherently well-suited to be Diploma Programme candidates. Eighty per cent of the students passed the Diploma (the global mean pass rate in 2018 was 78.2). The Academy’s average point score was 29.5 and the average grade scored by the cohort was 4.76.

The Academies’ mission and the IB’s mission resonate in their aspirations to nurture ethical young leaders who will help create a better and more peaceful world marked by empathy and pluralism. To this end, the Academies implement a dual-language programme to develop linguistic and cultural pluralism. This year, twenty-seven per cent of the students achieved a Bilingual IB Diploma, having completed both the Hindi and English Language and Literature courses.

Our top scorer achieved a commendable 43 points out of a possible 45. Other high scoring students included 3 who attained 39 points each.

This year’s results represented many individual successes. Especially pleasing were the achievements of students selected through the Academy’s Talent Identification Programme who gained an average point score of 37. All students in our Talent Identification Programmes achieved the Diploma and several have received scholarships for university places. These students have been in the Academy for at least six years having been identified through rigorous assessments as talented and capable of handling MYP and Diploma programmes.

Of course, the education we offer goes well beyond the academic curriculum, the grade-book and the examination hall. We are proud of our focus on the holistic development of our students, the qualities of character they acquire here and the global perspectives they learn to value.

The Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad would like to thank all our faculty, staff, the graduates’ families, alumni and students for playing a part in nourishing the newest members of our growing alumni network. We would also like to thank our donors who support our financial aid programme, together with partners in the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) and other organisations through whom our Diploma students experience unique summer service internships annually – placements which shape them to be conscientious and compassionate human beings.

We extend our very best wishes to the Class of 2019 and congratulate them on their successes. As they continue their education at universities and colleges around the world, we wish them well, confident in their abilities to be enthusiastic contributors and eager agents of change in the world!