Application Forms
Application forms can be completed online using the links below or via the downloadable forms. Forms completed in hard copy should be either posted or scanned and emailed to the admissions office at the earliest opportunity. Applications should include the following:
- completed application form
- copies of the applicant’s last two grade reports
- a copy of the applicant’s birth certificate or passport
- a copy of Aadhaar card
- evidence of vaccination (Junior School)
- two passport-sized photographs
- application fee (non-refundable): INR 3,000.
*Please note that a completed financial aid form must be submitted together with the application form in order to apply for a bursary.
Admissions Office
The Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad
Survey No: 1/1, Hardware Park
Maheshwaram Mandal, R.R. District
Hyderabad 501 510
Telangana, India
Email: admissions.hyderabad@agakhanacademies.org
Online application forms
To access the online application service, please click on one of the options below.
Downloadable application forms
Click on the links below to download the application forms:
IB Primary Years Programme application form_2025-26.pdf