Asad Bogani: The Adventure of a Lifetime | Aga Khan Academies

Asad Bogani: The Adventure of a Lifetime

Leaving one’s home and family is a daunting task for any person, but even more so for children. However, the lure of a better education and a new adventure can provide ample motivation for students to leave everything they know and follow their dreams.

For grade nine student Asad Bogani leaving his family and friends in Dubai and traveling to India to attend the Aga Khan Academy (AKA) in Hyderabad was a personal decision rooted in a need to become his own person.

“It was something of a personal decision on my side. I really love Dubai [it is] my home, but I thought I should try something out of my comfort zone. I decided I should be on my own now and live by myself.”

The AKA has allowed students to not only have access to a world-class education but also activities that will help them with interpersonal growth. “I play football, volleyball, a bit of basketball, but my favorite sport is cricket,” says Asad, who is looking forward to playing cricket at the Academy.

Beyond extracurricular activities the students’ time is also taken up by personal chores. “There’s so many activities going on and you have your own life, like cleaning your cupboard and keeping neat; a lot of things happening as compared to my life in Dubai,” explains Asad.

Though Asad is finding lots to enjoy about his experience at the AKA there are always challenges to uprooting oneself from familiar surroundings. “My parents really miss me and I’m really missing home as well, but they’re supporting me and what I’m trying to do here,” he says.

But a little bit of homesickness is a small price to pay for a future that he will now be able to look forward to, one he hopes will mesh his love for sports, especially cricket, with his favorite subject—Mathematics.

“Maths is really fun to do. I’d love to do something related to Maths, like statistics and join it with sports, like a sports statistician, something related to cricket because that’s my love. I’d really like to combine the two of them and work towards making that as my career. After completing my diploma program here I’m aiming for university in England and onto my career.”

With ambitions and an educational foundation that will go the distance, Asad is well on his way to creating the life he’s imagined for himself.