Book Week at the Junior School: 2-5 March 2015
Book week activities exploded in a hive of activity with a treasure hunt for all the PYP students on Monday morning, after a short assembly to reveal the activities in store for the week.
Directed by clues, the younger students dispersed to different areas of the Junior School using their powers of reason to find the next destination. The older students needed specific feedback and facts from different members of the PYP community to complete their fact sheets.
All the students and staff enjoyed the frenetic activity and were much appreciative of Ms Lisa’s efforts to make this activity a wonderful success.
Other activities included buddy reading with favourite books brought from home, a book fair for the purchase of new books, and drop everything and read times.
The highlight of the week as usual was the ‘dress up as a book character day’ at the end of the week. The students and teachers showed their flair for imagination as they decked themselves out in costumes to portray various book characters from well-known books and paraded in the amphitheatre.