DP2 student tells us why he turns to music | Aga Khan Academies

DP2 student tells us why he turns to music

16 July 2020

I’ve always considered music as therapy. There's something about it that's extremely comforting. Whether it’s writing or listening to it, music always brings peace to my ears. 

At the beginning of this whole process, I used to cover popular/trending songs but now, for the most part, I write my own set of lyrics because I like telling my own story to my audience. Rather than narrating others’ stories in my style, I speak up for myself.

Music is my way of voicing my opinion out to the world, telling them what’s going on up in my neighborhood. I think that thought is exactly what drove me to write this verse. I wrote a few lines in light of the Black Lives Matter movement that went down in the United States. Even though the song was inspired by that whole situation, the primary message was equality in general.

Often, we humans are segregated among ourselves due to factors such as origin, sex, caste, religion, etc., and these just tend to drive us apart from each other. I am sure a lot of people like myself feel strongly about this matter but do not have a platform to convey their message. That’s where music helps me out.

I have a platform where I can address such issues and give my opinion on it, in a rather creative manner. Whenever I write, I always try to highlight issues such as mental health, depression, racism, etc., because these are matters mainstream media never wants to talk about and I know that’s one of the reasons why my music reaches such a wide audience. 

One thing that’s always going to inspire me and keep me motivated to write music is the fact that I’m building a humongous platform for myself, where I get to communicate with my listeners on a personal level. It gives me a great sense of satisfaction that I’m actually helping people out, whether big or small, I am making a change in our society. 

Vishwas Revanur DP2