The Happiest Saturday Yet!
Students enjoy a treat of candy floss“This is the best Children’s Day ever, thank you for organizing it!” was the repeated comment heard in Junior School at the end of Happiness Saturday on 14 November 2015, that coincided with Children’s Day in India.
The day began with a Talent Show, which included a selection of performances from each class in the Junior School. It was highly entertaining and truly amazing to see so many talents on display, ranging from song and dance to hula-hoop and in-line skating! The selection process of the acts within each grade was very democratic, with clear criteria and involved students in voting for their peers.
Skills on display during the Talent ShowAfter the wonderful display of talents, the students had a brief sing-along session to practice the songs of the upcoming musical, The Button Box, followed by a sumptuous lunch of pizza, French fries, ice-cream and many more delicious items.
The excitement grew to a climax in the afternoon, when the students spied the bouncy castle set up in the courtyard ready for the carnival that the school organized for them. After lunch, students and teachers were treated to a delightful magic show, followed by non-stop fun for the next hour or so with the bouncy castle, candy floss, balloon twists and tattoos.
Adults and children alike enjoy the celebrationsThe Junior School celebrated Children’s Day in its true spirit, with both the adults and children reveling in the merriment fostered by the occasion.
Click here to see more photos from this fun-filled day!