Humans of Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad - Iliyan Gowlani | Aga Khan Academies

Humans of Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad - Iliyan Gowlani

24 April 2020

If you could be magically transported to one specific location on campus right now, where would it be?

I would love to be on the football field right now with my fellow teammates, warming up for an amazing football match.


What are the top three things you are missing about the Academy?

  1. Wednesday Biriyani.
  2. Dorm parties!
  3. Morning meet at the Senior School gate with Dr. Long and Ms. Koel with a slice of bread in my hand which I got after I woke up so late.  


What is keeping you focused and positive?

An organised schedule which consists of 9-10 hours of sleep and 2-3 hours of academic or non – academic work. Along with some work out plan to keep myself physically active. Apart from this, I enjoy watching Tv, playing games and writing.


Biggest cause of frustration/challenge during lockdown?

I really miss hanging out with all my friends from juniors to seniors, the teaching staff and the security ‘anna’. Its frustrating that due to the lockdown, we don’t get to cherish these moments with them.


Any things you are finding really beneficial about the lockdown?

We can really use this time to release all the stress, meet all the deadlines and spend time with our families before we start our new journey with our universities.


If you had a chance to pass on one piece of advice to your fellow students right now, what would it be?

I was happy when my exams were cancelled but at what cost? At the cost of missing the last term with you guys! I say, enjoy each and every moment at the academy. Don’t look at your deadlines as a burden; don’t look at your classes as boring or your homework as stressful. Enjoy these tasks and tackle them with a smile on your face. Then, you will truly understand how amazing life is as an academy student!