Humans of Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad - Jamolbi Khushqadamova
If you could be magically transported to one specific location right now, where would it be?
It would definitely be home, where my family is. Despite my undying love for the Academy, I would love to spend quality time with my family in this quarantine.
What are the top three things you are like about the Academy?
- Sunrise – the beauty of sunrise in the Academy is beyond description; the golden rays of the sun enliven the campus every day.
- Events - I love all the events that take place in our Academy, whether it is drama, music or social nights. It is during those times, where all of us feel rejuvenated and happy. Unfortunately, right now it feels so empty and quiet!
- And of course, the morning greetings with Dr. Long!
What is keeping you focused and positive?
I believe that we are the luckiest ones being immersed in the spectacular nature of the Academy, which indeed keeps all of us positive. Also, spending quality and fun time with my enthusiastic friends, while at the same time learning new different things every day.
Biggest cause of frustration/challenge during lockdown?
The biggest cause of frustration during lockdown is certainly being away from my family. Sometimes I get really upset over the fact that I cannot spend time with my family during this time.
Any things you are finding really beneficial about the lockdown?
The silver lining in this lockdown is that it is an unprecedented opportunity to make use of, in order to take care of ourselves mentally as well as physically, and embrace the intimacy of our loved ones.
If you had a chance to pass on one piece of advice to your fellow students right now, what would it be?
Be grateful! No matter what situation you are in, there is always something to be thankful for. Gratitude might not be the panacea to this crisis, but it can without doubt foster kindness around us and can strengthen our relationships overall.