Junior School Maths Week
Maths! Maths! Maths! For a week, this was one element prevalent in the Junior School from 9–14 March 2015. All the Junior School teachers got together and suggested some exciting ideas for the maths week. The purpose was to celebrate maths in the PYP and to enhance the mathematical confidence of students. It was indeed a huge success as the students actively participated in every event. Eventually, hearing “We love maths!” from students was like music to the teachers’ ears.
On the first day, students created interesting games on the maths concepts they are learning in the class. After listening to Ms Naini’s ideas during the assembly, students designed a variety of games like board games, puzzles, story problems, estimation games, feely bags and kinesthetic games.
The second day of the week reached the next level of excitement as the students got to visit other classrooms where the teachers had set up fun-filled maths centers in their classrooms. The corridors were buzzing with positive noises as the students hopped from one class to the other.
All the Junior School parents were invited for the ‘Maths Mela’ on the third day. It was most likely the students' favourite day of the week as they got an opportunity to do some maths activities with their parents. The parents were full of praise for the students’ understanding of mathematical concepts. They also liked being in the classrooms and getting a feel of how maths is approached in the PYP.
The week ended with another maths thriller as all the students took part in grade-wise ‘Maths Races’. They were divided into mixed groups, and each group was asked to solve the critical thinking word problems located in different parts of the Junior School building. What the students liked the most about the race was that every student was able to participate in the activity.