A message from our Head of Academy | Aga Khan Academies

A message from our Head of Academy

27 July 2020

Dear Parents,

Greetings from the Academy!  I hope you and your families are safe and well. I am writing to give you some important information before the start of the new school year on Monday 3rd August.  Finalising plans for the start of the new school year have been extensive.  Over the 8-weeks of the summer break, staff have been busy preparing for the launch of our Distance Learning Programme 2.0!

On Monday 3rd August our new school year begins.    Yes, the campus remains closed but the Academy will continue to thrive. This will be the start of a new school year like no other.  We are approaching it with excitement and a strong sense of purpose.  Our objective is clear – to create a joyful community of lifelong, fearless learners who are reflective, compassionate, adventurous and creative!

The 2020/21 school year has been divided into 4 teaching blocks of 45 days each.  Each block will either end with a short break followed by a full reopening or a short break and a continuation of Distance Learning:

  • August 3rd – October 2nd
  • October 12th – December 11th
  • January 5th 2021 – March 5th 2021
  • March 22nd 2021 – May 22nd 2021


On Monday 27th July you will receive a copy of our Distance Learning Brochure.  This will set out for you details of exactly how our Distance Learning Programme will run, the daily schedule and the innovative ways in which we will engage our students in a captivating and enjoyable learning experience.

On Friday 31st July a special online programme of orientation and induction for our new students and for parents has been arranged.  Full details will be shared with you in a separate message from the Junior School and Senior School Principals. 

Our relationship with our Academy parents is a special partnership which focuses on the education and wellbeing of your child. Amidst the devastation of Covid-19 and the disturbance to life’s routines, we believe there are opportunities for our students to learn valuable things which will last them a lifetime – we will seize this opportunity.  We are committed to working with you in this exciting endeavour!  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or queries you may have.  We are here to support you.  

With best regards,

Dr Long