Misha Narsingani: A journey of unwavering optimism and relentless pursuit | Aga Khan Academies

Misha Narsingani: A journey of unwavering optimism and relentless pursuit

11 May 2024

In the lead-up to the Class of 2024’s graduation from the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad, we will feature 12 of our graduates who have been at the Academy since Grade 1.

Below, we learn about Misha Narsingani’s experience growing alongside the Academy for the past 12 years.

Misha Narsingani is not just graduating from the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad – she is leaving a place she calls “home and her whole heart”. Having started her school journey 12 years ago, Misha witnessed the Academy grow alongside herself.

During those years, Misha felt the Academy nurtured her passion to actively contribute to the campus community which helped her develop a pluralistic mindset.

“It helped me to be inclusive and unbiased towards everyone,” she says.

As a graduating student, Misha recalls her journey from leading her class line in Grade 2 to leading the Pandya House as its captain. Under her captaincy, they won their first-ever House trophy in the overall category.

The journey to victory was not without hurdles but it instilled in her a core belief.

"If I want to do anything, the first step is to try," she says. “Even if I fail, it will be okay because what matters is that I gave my best and that I was confident and brave enough to do it.”

Looking towards the future, Misha is confident the Academy has equipped her not just with academic knowledge but also with values of pluralism, global mindedness, navigating hardships and ethical and culturally rooted leadership.

Misha says the Academy's curriculum offers a holistic approach to personal growth, both through academic education and value- and skill-based learnings. From the collaborative group projects during the Junior School’s Primary Years Programme exhibition to the organisational skills honed through personal projects in the Senior School, each activity prepared her for the challenges and triumphs that lay ahead.

"The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme has been one adventurous journey." Misha said. "Despite time-sensitive coursework, I found a sense of accomplishment as it helped me have a holistic understanding on all subjects while building life skills like time management, dedication and commitment."

From her experience, Misha leaves a simple and invaluable piece of advice for her juniors. “Study hard, even during the breaks,” she says.

Besides her personal growth, Misha witnessed the campus develop from a single infrastructure to a Junior School, Senior School, the Academy Building, the Commons, the play area and the swimming pool. An avid swimmer now, Misha recalls a time when the thought of getting into the water was daunting. Eventually, with the support of the Academy, she overcame that fear and developed a passion for swimming. Although it will be hard for her to say goodbye, Misha is prepared to graduate from the Academy with invaluable experiences, ever-lasting friendships and indelible memories, while reminiscently longing for the delicious after-school pancakes at the Junior School reading teacher Ms Allison Zinsli’s house and the Wednesday biryani in the Commons. The Academy, in turn, will also bid farewell to a student who has not only grown within its walls from an infectiously energetic person to a committed and confident leader but also contributed to its ever-evolving ethos and values.

The legacy Misha leaves behind is one of boundless energy, unwavering optimism and a relentless pursuit of both academic excellence and personal growth.

Interviewed by Priyanshu Nandigama, Diploma Programme 1