Mr Malik Kotadia addresses students on education and pluralism at the Meridian School in Hyderabad | Aga Khan Academies

Mr Malik Kotadia addresses students on education and pluralism at the Meridian School in Hyderabad

02 August 2019

It is a moment of honour and pride for the Academy as Mr Malik Kotadia, Director for External Affairs –Asia & Middle East at The Aga Khan Academies was invited as a chief guest for the inaugural of Meridian Model United Nations (MUN) 2019 conference held on 26 July at the Meridian school’s Madhapur campus in Hyderabad. The conference was attended by over 150 students from different schools across the city.

The Meridian MUN is a simulation of the United Nations Conference where young minds from all over the city put themselves in the shoes of diplomats, policy makers and ambassadors to master the art of debate and deliberation.

Mr Kotadia addressed the gathering on the importance of education and also emphasized on the need of strengthening pluralism in order to succeed in creating a more developed and progressive ecosystem.

His reflection on the roles played by educational institutions towards crafting change-makers who are also compassionate was particularly well-received by the audience. He was quoted saying, “Every education institution must be instrumental in fostering global awareness to all its students and sensitizing them of the challenges faced by their respective communities. These experiences will ultimately help them shape into effective home-grown leaders, thus making the world a better place to live.”