MYP Visit to Kongara Kalan Village | Aga Khan Academies

MYP Visit to Kongara Kalan Village

24 September 2013

The Academy's year 8 students were taken to the village of Kongara Kalan, approximately eight kilometers from the Academy campus, for an awareness rally and campaign. The main themes of the campaign included saving energy with vigilant use of electricity, and anti-smoking and anti-alcoholism. The aims of this campaign were to assess the students for their communication skills and to bring more self-awareness and a sense of social responsibility. The learning areas addressed were Environment and Governance & Civil Society.

Twenty students from the Academy and another 20 from the government school participated in this campaign, which started from the government primary school of Kongara. Students walked along the streets of the village distributing pamphlets they designed, calling out the slogans in the local language, and with banners and pluck cards describing the themes.

After returning back to the school, Academy students acted out two skits, one each on the themes to elaborate on how the society needs to take control of the current situation with regard to saving energy and stopping substance abuse. After this, a painting competition was conducted by the Academy students for grade 4 and 5 students from the government school, and goodies were distributed.

Students and teachers from both the educational organisations participated enthusiastically and shared much learning. It was interesting to know that the village panchayat was equally interested in collaborating with our school for promoting awareness in the society. We hope to continue to work together so that both communities grow simultaneously.