A tête-à-tête with an ex-student
Rehana Savani graduated in May this year and visited the Academy this week. Rehana, who is a proud recipient of the Global Citizen Award from the University of Alberta, begins her studies in Economics in September. Dr Long had a chance to ask her a few questions during her visit. Here is an edited transcript of their conversation.

What are some of the strongest memories you cherish of your time at the Academy?
The friendliness of the place and the chance to explore what I am really passionate about.
What according to you, makes a great teacher?
Someone who creates strong relationships with their students and is caring. Someone who uses interactive and engaging approaches. And, I must say, I had many such teachers here at the Academy!
What was your favourite place on campus?
The Library – it was always the perfect environment to study!
How do you think you changed as a result of your time here?
I definitely became more confident – I was very shy when I arrived! Over the years spent here, I have learnt to appreciate and value different point of views, to value diversity and to see things from a global perspective.
Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
I am passionate about economics. I discovered this passion while I was a student here. I would love to be involved in research and teaching.
Do you have a favourite quotation?
Yes, I do, it’s from the author Chinua Achebe “Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” I love it because it reminds me of the importance of perspective – something which my experience at the Academy taught me to value.