Fee Schedule
Fee schedule for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Click here to download the Academy's fee schedule for the 2024-2025 academic year.
1. One-time, non-refundable admission fee of USD 2,000 is payable for each student enrolling for the first time.
2. One-time, refundable security deposit of USD 1,500 is payable upon acceptance of admission. It is refundable when the student leaves the school as long as the required notice has been given in writing and “No Dues” clearance has been obtained from the school. No interest is paid or payable on this deposit.
3. A sibling discount of 5% of tuition fees will be applicable for second and subsequent children.
4. Tuition fees may be paid for a full year with an early-payment discount of 5%, if paid before 15 July.
5. Tuition fees may be paid in four equal instalments – first, no later than 15 July, second by 30 September, third by 30 November and forth by 28 February of each academic year.
6. A penalty of USD 50 shall be applied on the 1st of every month on any delayed payments made without agreement with the Finance Department. Unexplained delays shall make the students liable to suspension.
7. Tuition fees must be paid within 30 days of admission to secure a place at the Academy.
8. Tuition fees include course fees, the use of essential course books, library books, IT structure, science laboratory equipment, online education and certain classroom supplies.
9. Tuition fees do not include uniform costs.
10. Exam fees for the IB Middle Years Programme and the Diploma Programme will be billed separately based on the actual fee issued by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO).
11. Residential fees (USD $6400+$1650) include accommodation, food, health insurance, utilities, pocket allowance, transportation for in city excursions and community support visits.
12. The fees can be paid in US dollars or Mozambican metical. For payments in meticals, the invoice rate will be used. The Academy however reserves the right to change this policy.
13. Parents must provide the Finance Department (finance.maputo@agakhanacademies.org) with the proof of payment made through direct deposit or bank transfer, even if the payment is done by an organisation or a company.
14. If a student wishes to leave the school, one term’s advance notice of withdrawal must be given in writing or, in lieu of notice, one term of the annual fees will be due and payable. School clearance will not be possible until the fee account is settled in full.
15. The Academy reserves the right to withhold results, school leaving certificate, transcripts or any other information and/or document until all outstanding dues are settled in full.
16. Students who have been admitted to the Academy, and can demonstrate need, will be considered for financial aid.
17. The above terms and conditions may be modified, or new terms may apply to reflect changes in the law or our services.
18. For further information, please contact us via email at admissions.maputo@agakhanacademies.org.