Grade One Unit Presentation | Aga Khan Academies

Grade One Unit Presentation

01 April 2014

On Friday 21st March, Grade 1 presented work from Unit 4 to their parents and the other classes in the school.

In this unit; students researched habitats, animal classification and how animals have adapted to live in different habitats. In preparation, the students decided what they would each say and practiced their lines. There were four stations: Habitats, Classification of Animals, PowerPoint and Summative Assessment.  The students presented a variety of work such as posters, PowerPoint and report writing.

The worked demonstrated the transdisiplinary nature of the programme, incorporating Unit of Inquiry, Language, Art and ICT. The students also developed skills such as communication, research, presentation and group work skills.

Grade 1 worked well as a class, working together and supporting each other to complete an excellent presentation.

Well done Grade 1!