Aga Khan Academies | Page 40 | Aga Khan Academies

Students use art to express feelings during pandemic

AKA Mombasa Visual Arts teacher Donna Scott recently asked Year 6 students to express their feelings about the COVID-19 pandemic using art. Students were required to use the six elements of art – lines, value, space, shape, texture and colour – as their expressive tools.

Virtual career fair for the Year 10s

On 27 November 2020, AKA Mombasa hosted a virtual career fair for the Year 10s aimed at introducing students to professionals in various career paths to learn about different professional fields and trajectories.

Muskaan Kassam advocates for gender equality through art

‘FUTURE IS HUMAN’ is an initiative by Year 10 student Muskaan Kassam for her personal project that aims to promote gender equality through art.

Junior School holds first-ever virtual sports day

The Junior School at AKA Mombasa held their first-ever virtual inter-house sports day from 23 to 26 November 2020, which was organised by Coach Fridah Gatwiri for students to enjoy fun out of class activities.

Year 10s host personal project mock exhibition

On 13 November 2020, the Year 10s hosted a virtual mock exhibition of their personal projects to showcase their projects with teachers and get feedback as they prepare for the main exhibition happening on 5 February 2021, which will mark the culmination of the Middle Years Programme.

AKA Mombasa students win big at Oshwal Academy Model United Nations

Students from the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa triumphed at the 18th Oshwal Academy Model United Nations (OAMUN) conference winning the most awards in multiple categories.

AKA Mombasa students win big at Oshwal Academy Model United Nations

Students from the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa triumphed at the 18th Oshwal Academy Model United Nations (OAMUN) conference winning the most awards in multiple categories.

AKA Maputo commemorates Universal Children's Day

AKA Maputo JS student with STEM project

AKA Maputo commemorated Universal Children's Day on 20 November through a STEM challenge for the Junior School and a reflective activity for the Senior School.

AKA Mombasa students win big at Oshwal Academy Model United Nations

AKA Mombasa students triumphed at the 18th Oshwal Academy Model United Nations (OAMUN) conference held between 11 and 14 November 2020.

Virtual internship with AKF Geneva, Switzerland

During the summer break, the Aga Khan Academies and the Aga Khan Development Network partner up to provide internship opportunities for students in the Diploma Programme. Due to COVID-19, the internships took place virtually giving students an opportunity to intern at various institutions around the world.


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