Aga Khan Academy Mombasa | Page 19 | Aga Khan Academies

Students hold online gaming event

On 22 October 2020, E-Sports, a virtual enrichment founded by Diploma Programme (DP) 2 students Arshman Balouch and Hisham Ladha, held an online gaming event dubbed ‘Among Us and Chill’, where students played against each other in a video game tournament.

Academies in Mombasa and Maputo hold online classes on observational drawing

The Academies in Mombasa and Maputo held joint online classes to teach Year 10 students observational drawing with the objective to enhance their skills and artistic confidence.

Virtual internship with AKDN in Geneva, Switzerland

During the summer break, the Aga Khan Academies and the Aga Khan Development Network partner up to provide internship opportunities for students in the Diploma Programme. Due to COVID-19, the internships took place virtually giving students an opportunity to intern at various institutions around the world.

The Virtual Chess Club

The Virtual Chess Club is an enrichment led by Diploma Programme 1 student, Jeremy Michoma, in which students with a shared passion and interest for chess play against each other in weekly online tournaments.

AKA Mombasa student uses art to promote environmental conservation

Painting about global warming

Madina Khudobakshova, a Year 10 student at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, participated in a virtual art exhibition in Khorog, Tajikistan to raise awareness about environmental conservation.

AKA Mombasa student creates wrist splint for children with cerebral palsy

Alyssa Jamal is a Year 10 student at the Aga Khan Academy Academy Mombasa whose personal project focuses on creating an affordable wrist splint for underprivileged children with cerebral palsy.

Junior School celebrates International Dot Day

On 15 September 2020, the Junior School community at AKA Mombasa celebrated International Dot Day, which celebrates creativity, courage and collaboration.

AKA Mombasa student awarded grant for her eco-friendly microscope

Khushi Bajaria has been selected as a finalist for the 2020 Middle Years Programme Student Innovators programme for her project ‘Innovation in Practice.’

Log Out: a short film by students from the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa

Students at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa produced a captivating film called ‘Log Out’ with support of art & drama teacher Joyce Arigi and English teacher Alex Mwololo who guided the film-making process.

Video: Aiza Fazal's song of hope

Aiza Fazal

Aiza Fazal, a Junior School student at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa wrote new lyrics to the melody of ‘We are the World’, originally composed by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, in an uplifting rendition to share a message of hope given the current global situation.


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