Aga Khan Academy Mombasa | Page 30 | Aga Khan Academies

AKA Mombasa teacher awarded scholarship to complete a Master’s of Education

Oliver Baya Wanje, a teacher from the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, has been awarded a scholarship by the International Baccalaureate to complete an M.Ed with the University of the People.

AKA Mombasa teacher awarded scholarship to complete a Master’s of Education

Oliver Baya Wanje, a teacher from the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, has been awarded a scholarship by the International Baccalaureate to complete an M.Ed with the University of the People.

Young Farmers and Book Club compete at Nairobi International Show

AKA Mombasa's Young Farmers and Book Club competed in the Nairobi International Show where they were ranked second overall nationally in the Stands Exhibit category.

Meet Polycarp Ageta Omayio - Our new PHE teacher!

Polycarp Ageta Omayio

The Aga Khan Academy Mombasa welcomed 15 new staff members from around the world to its community for the 2019 – 2020 academic year.


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