Aga Khan Academy Mombasa | Page 34 | Aga Khan Academies

Service Learning group encourages literacy learning

For Service Learning this year, the year 8s at AKA Mombasa worked with a local school to promote literacy learning.

Students participate in Design Bootcamp

Three DP1 students and a CAS coordinator at AKA Mombasa participated in a 10-day Design Bootcamp organised by the Aga Khan Foundation and the Middlebury Institute of International Studies.

Aga Khan Academies Celebrate Graduating 1,000 Global Leaders

On 25 May, AKA Mombasa celebrated its 13th graduation ceremony for 85 exceptional students who join a growing legacy of global young leaders.

Badminton and table tennis tournament hosted at Academy

The Academy organised a badminton and table tennis tournament in which it hosted three other schools from around Mombasa.

Teacher's research published in International Journal of Creative Research and Studies

Johnson Monari, an English teacher at the Academy, shares his recent publication in the International Journal of Creative Research and Studies and what he hopes to achieve through it.

AKA Mombasa boys’ basketball team compete in national games

The boys' basketball team took part in the KSSSA Term One games with the ultimate goal of going on to represent Kenya in the East African games in August.


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