AKF | Aga Khan Academies

Educating girls in science project gets featured in major research study

Educating Girls in Science (EGIS) has been featured in a newly-launched major research study about the strengthening of life skills in secondary education.

Educating girls in science project gets featured in major research study

Educating Girls in Science (EGIS) has been featured in a newly-launched major research study about the strengthening of life skills in secondary education.

Omidyar Network Visits AKA Mombasa

Omidyar Network gets an insightful look into the outreach programmes implemented by Aga Khan Academy Mombasa.

Alumnus Ham Serunjogi Featured in AKF USA's Humans of the World Series

The Academy played an instrumental role in influencing Ham's academic and professional success. From AKA Mombasa to Grinnell College in the United States and a career at Facebook's international headquarters in Dublin, read about Ham's journey across three continents.

Alumnus Ham Serunjogi Featured in AKF USA's Humans of the World Series

The Academy played an instrumental role in influencing Ham's academic and professional success. From AKA Mombasa to Grinnell College in the United States and a career at Facebook's international headquarters in Dublin, read about Ham's journey across three continents.

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