Maputo | Page 49 | Aga Khan Academies

Save the Dates

10-14 April 2017: Half-term break 

17 April 2017: School reopens at 7h45 am

10 a 14 Abril 2017: Férias Intercalares

17 Abril 2017: Reabertura das aulas - 7h45

Field trips / Visitas de estudo

Read about the field trips taken by kindergarten 3, grade 1, grade 2, and grades 5 & 6.


Happy Birthday His Highness

A nossa celebração do 80º aniversário de Sua Alteza Aga Khan.
Our celebration for His Highness the Aga Khan's 80th birthday.

French delegation visits the Aga Khan Academy Maputo

The Academy welcomed visitors from the French Ministry of Education, other French agencies, and the Aga Khan Development Network on 1 December 2016.

Partnership to provide equitable access to an international standard of education in Mozambique

His Highness the Aga Khan, Chairman of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) and Rémy Rioux, Director-General of the French Development Agency (AFD), today presided over the signing of a loan agreement for US$25 million to finance the construction of the Aga Khan Academy Maputo.

AKA Maputo Parental Questionnaire: July 2020 [EN]

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You can select multiple checkboxes if you have multiple children attending the Academy.
Please prioritise the below four options, one being most preferred and four being least preferred
OptionPreference (Select 1-4)*
School re-opening on August 10th as per the calendar with a phased introduction of classes to ensure health and wellness
School postponing a phased opening until 1st September 2020 but with online learning taking place from August 10th
School re-opening in August with online learning until mid-term in October
School continues to provide online learning until Jan 2021

AKA Maputo Parental Questionnaire: July 2020

Dear parents,

Please find a questionnaire below seeking your feedback on the Academy’s re-opening plans. As you will know, the President has recently announced the phased re-opening of public schools. We are, therefore, in the process of considering scenarios for re-opening the Academy.

We seek your feedback on four scenarios available to us currently:


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