books | Aga Khan Academies

Book Month 2020

The month of March kicks off AKA Mombasa's Book Month with various activities happening across the entire Academy.

Service Learning group encourages literacy learning

For Service Learning this year, the year 8s at AKA Mombasa worked with a local school to promote literacy learning.

Our newly opened group in Early Years

Having adjusted well to our school’s routine and curriculum within just a couple of weeks, the Kindergarten 2 students have started their unit of Inquiry with a variety of activities related to the transdisciplinary theme 'How we express ourselves'.

AKA, Mombasa Junior School Hosts Their Second Book Fair

On the 5 and 6 February, 2015 the Junior School displayed their love for the written word by organizing a book fair.

World Book Day at the Junior School

The Academy's Junior School celebrated World Book Day with a week of book-related events.

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