exploring | Aga Khan Academies

Visit to the Assembly of the Republic of Mozambique - A student's story

On March 14th Grade 7 students visited the Assembly of the Republic of Mozambique. We went as part of our Humanities’ unit about leadership structures so we could learn more about politics. We were taken to see where laws are written and where they are taken to be passed into law.

Science experiments in our MYP class

Our year 7 students are doing experiments in their science class . Na aula de ciências, os alunos do 7º Ano estão a fazer experiências

Assemblage art: a new practice of making art using junk

17 IB Diploma Programme visual arts students took part in a junk sculpture workshop with Mr. Shivarama Chary, a renowned visual artist/sculptor living and working in Hyderabad, over the weekend of 27-28 January.

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