Aga Khan Academy Mombasa | Page 5 | Aga Khan Academies

DP2 Art Exhibition

The DP2 Visual Arts students held their final exhibition, a culmination of their IB DP Art experience.

AKA Mombasa hosts 10th annual Peace Summit

The 10th annual Peace Summit provided an opportunity to a cohort of young enthusiastic peacebuilders to develop ideas and road maps to achieve sustainable goals and be advocates of peace in their communities.

A step forward

For their personal projects, students investigate an area of their choosing and interest in order to create a product. Grade 10 student, Arya Abdul, tells us more about her project, “A step forward” in which she built an easily accessible, environmentally friendly walker.

Play golf, change a life

On Saturday 12 March, the Friends of the Academy organised a golf tournament at the Nyali Golf Club to raise funds for the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa’s Talent Identification Programme (TID). This programme identifies exceptional Grade 6 students across Kenya from marginalised backgrounds and provides them with a full scholarship for seven years to attend the Academy, which is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School.

Meet the new Teacher Preparation Programme cohort

The Teacher Preparation Programme (TPP) is back in session and the new cohort tells us what they are excited about.

Inventors Fair: East meets West

On Friday 14 January the Grade 8 students celebrated Inventors Fair to mark the end of the unit “What happens when the east meets west?”, a unit that mainly focuses on the trade, cultures, belief/religious systems, inventions, architecture and significant individuals along the Silk Road.

Interview with Amreen Valli: Fostering pluralism within the Aga Khan Academies and the Aga Khan Academy Alumni Network

Amreen Valli

Amreen Valli, Class of 2015 from the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa and social media and alumni engagement lead for the Aga Khan Academy Alumni Network, sat down with us to talk about how the Aga Khan Academies promote pluralism and the lasting impact it has on its graduates.

Junior School Arts Week 2021

Junior School students performing

At the end of the semester, the Junior School students at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa celebrated Arts Week, an annual celebration in which students showcase their visual arts, music, drama and dance talents. This year’s Arts Week was particularly special as all JS students created an art piece and they all performed on stage together for the first time since school re-opened.

Interview with Amreen Valli: Fostering pluralism within the Aga Khan Academies and the Aga Khan Academy Alumni Network

Amreen Valli

Amreen Valli, Class of 2015 from the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa and social media and alumni engagement lead for the Aga Khan Academy Alumni Network, sat down with us to talk about how the Aga Khan Academies promote pluralism and the lasting impact it has on its graduates.

Young Farmers have their first harvest

Young Farmers, a Junior School Passion Project, provides students with the opportunity to explore their passion for farming and agriculture.


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