The second batch of TPP fellows has embarked on their learning journey at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad to spend the first 12 months. The fellows have introduced themselves and their aspirations to the TPP.
The second batch of Teacher Preparation Programme fellows at the AKA Dhaka started their learning journey by setting off to the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad for a 12-month apprenticeship.
The Teacher Preparation Programme (TPP) held its 6th graduation on 18 June 2020 in an online ceremony to honour the achievements of eight graduates from Kenya and Mozambique who successfully completed the 18-month programme.
The Teacher Preparation Programme (TPP) held its 6th graduation on 18 June 2020 in an online ceremony to honour the achievements of eight graduates from Kenya and Mozambique who successfully completed the 18-month programme.
The Teacher Preparation Programme (TPP) held its 6th graduation on 18 June 2020 in an online ceremony to honour the achievements of eight graduates from Kenya and Mozambique who successfully completed the 18-month programme.