international | Aga Khan Academies

Student teams qualify for national robotics competition

20 students from grades 7, 9 and 10 made the Academy proud at the Hyderabad FIRST Lego League, a local chapter of an international robotics competition for elementary and middle school students, held across 98 countries.

Innovators showcase unique exhibits at Maker Faire festival

15 students from Junior and Senior School were selected to showcase innovative designs at the Maker Faire international festival on Saturday 10th - Sunday 11th November 2018 at Hitex Exhibition Centre, Madhapur.

Academy delegates bag five awards at CHIREC Model United Nations

20 students from grades 6-8 participated in the Junior MUN conference held between 2nd – 4th November 2018 at CHIREC International School in Hyderabad.

Football fever takes over the Academy

Almost 80 students participated in the Academy’s first international, residential football camp between 8-18 October. Read about this milestone effort and the amazing coaches behind it.

Annual international careers fair at the Academy

On October 5th, 42 universities from eight countries visited us to interact with students and parents. Read about our largest university visit of the year and its importance for students.

First Academies student exchange programme to be launched!

16 grade 9 students from AKA Hyderabad will exchange places with counterparts in AKA Mombasa through an inaugural international exchange programme from October - December 2018.

First Academies student exchange programme to be launched!

16 grade 9 students will participate in an international exchange programme with our sister Academy in Hyderbad (India) from October - December 2018.

First Academies student exchange programme to be launched!

16 grade 9 students will participate in an international exchange programme with our sister Academy in Mombasa (Kenya) from October - December 2018.

Academy team receives gold medal at international robotics competition

27 students from the Aga Khan Academy in Hyderabad competed for the first time in an international robotics competition called “FIRST Lego League” (FLL) in Bangalore on 20-21 January and brought home a gold medal.

Academy team bags gold medal at international robotics competition

27 students from the Aga Khan Academy in Hyderabad competed for the first time in an international robotics competition called “FIRST Lego League” (FLL) in Bangalore on 20-21 January and brought home a gold medal!


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