PYP | Page 7 | Aga Khan Academies

PYP Student-Led Conference

Students at the Academy held their annual event last weekend.

Junior School Sports Day

The Junior School Sports Day kicked-off on 6th February 2014 with impressive student performances followed by a fun-filled day of track and field competitions.

AKA, Hyderabad Receives IB PYP Authorisation

The staff and students of the Aga Khan Academy, Hyderabad’s Junior School are proud to announce the authorisation of our Primary Years Programme by the International Baccalaureate.

AKA, Hyderabad Receives IB PYP Authorisation

The staff and students of the Aga Khan Academy, Hyderabad’s Junior School are proud to announce the authorisation of our Primary Years Programme by the International Baccalaureate.

It's Exhibition Time

The PYP Exhibition has a great buzz of the enjoyment of learning – in this case, through self-directed research by the Year 6 students.

Let's Work Together

Highlights from the latest Junior School performance "Let's Work Together".

Making the Transition from PYP to MYP

The PYP Transition Programme took place on 30 April. This programme aims to start the process through which grade 6 students make the change from PYP to MYP.

PYP Parent Orientation

An orientation for parents new to the Primary Years Programme was held on Saturday, 20 April 2013 to create an understanding of the PYP philosophy and pedagogy through hands-on experience.

PYP In-School Workshop

A workship titled “Concept-Based Learning in the PYP” was held at the Aga Khan Academy, Hyderabad on 7­ and 8 January 2013.


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