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Book Month 2020

The month of March kicks off AKA Mombasa's Book Month with various activities happening across the entire Academy.

Year 7s explore Haller Park

Year 7 students went on an ecology-based trip to Haller Park on 7 February 2020.

Year 1 and 2 camp

Year 1 and 2 students participated in the first ever camp held at AKA Mombasa.

Year 7s virtually explore exhibit at Aga Khan Museum in Toronto, Canada

On 13 February 2020, the Year 7 students at the AKA Mombasa virtually toured a museum exhibit currently being held at the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto, Canada.

Students win open football tournament

AKA Mombasa participated in an open football tournament where they won and had some students recognised for their performance.


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