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Meet Syeda Mukta Begum, head librarian

Syeda Mukta Begum was born in Narsingdi, Bangladesh and is the new head librarian at the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka.

Aga Khan Schools students receive IB grants to implement innovative, sustainable projects

AKS students who received grants from the IB for their projects

Six students from across the Aga Khan Schools received the IB’s Dr Siva Kumari Middle Years Programme (MYP) Student Innovators’ Grant, totalling $14,500, to develop their sustainable projects.

The Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad’s Class of 2022 IB results

The Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad’s Class of 2022 completed their International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) journey with some commendable successes this year.

Floodlights launched with an explosion of colour

On the evening of September 9 the residential community held Colour Run to celebrate the launch of the new floodlights in the field. The floodlights increase the area available for sports and residential activities such as bucketball and capture the flag to take in the evening.

Sapling Plantation Drive

Two DP2 students led a tree-planting drive at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad as part of their CAS project.

AKA Mombasa student wins Dr Siva Kumari MYP Innovators’ Grant

Diploma Programme 1 student Arya Abdul received the Dr Siva Kumari MYP Student Innovators’ Grant for her project “A Step Forward”, in which she built an easily accessible, environmentally friendly walker. The Aga Khan Academy Mombasa is the only International Baccalaureate (IB) school in Africa to have students receive this grant every year since its inception in 2019.

Minister of Education for Bangladesh welcomes students and staff to the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka

Staff and students at the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka had the opportunity to meet and interact with the Minister of Education for Bangladesh Dr Dipu Monion 4 September 2022

Parents' coffee session on ManageBac

SS parents attending a session at AKA Maputo on ManageBac

The Aga Khan Academy Maputo hosted its first coffee session for the new academic year with all Senior School parents on how to navigate ManageBac.

Reading and service

AKA Maputo MYP students became reading buddies for PYP students

On 22 August 2022, the Aga Khan Academy Maputo's Grade 6 and 7 students combined two of their favourite things: reading and service.

High Commissioner for India visits the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka

On Sunday, 28 August 2022, His Excellency Mr Vikram Kumar Doraiswami, High Commissioner for India, was welcomed to the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka by the Aga Khan Development Network Resident Diplomatic Representative for Bangladesh His Excellency Munir M Merali.


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